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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Billmonk: A Neat Way To Keep Track Of Who Owes You What

It was a friends' night out. You picked the bill for the group's dinner but it was agreed that everyone has to chip in. Will you just forget about it? How are you going to collect?

You were away on vacation and the rent is due. Your roommate paid the rent. Thus, you owe him half the monthly dues. Will you remember? How will you pay?

You have a collection of books and most of it is out with your colleagues at work. In turn they also lent to you their DVD movies.

Perhaps you also have some other stuff that you generously loaned out to friends, relatives, neighbors, etc. Where do you stand in all of these? Do you even have the time to keep track of all of these?

It is a fact that it is somewhat awkward to collect something from somebody, more so, if it involves money. So how do you go about this?

Luckily, Billmonk is there. It is a free online service that lets you keep track of things you owe and things that other people owe you. It gives you a comprehensive view of your social assets and liabilities, or in short, your 'social money'.

What is 'social money'? It is just a fancy way to refer to money and the like that goes about your social circle by means of sharing, borrowing, lending or loaning out.

What you need to do is sign up for the free service and you're on your way to having your own personal tracker of everything that belongs to you that are still out there and everything that does not belong to you that you still need to return to its rightful owner.

This is really a remarkably good e-concept knowing that in this busy world, we tend to forget about the little things that we borrow from friends, and the personal stuff we own as well that we generously lend to others be it money, our different collections, our electronic gadgets, our games, our toys, our jewelries, our clothes and all our other stuff.

With this service, you get a clearer picture of whether you're even with somebody or you still owe them something or whether someone out there still owe you a thing.

Billmonk even does the math for you. Say, you split the bill for a meal. Billmonk tells you how much each one owes provided you also give information to Billmonk on who are the participants who are supposed to share the bill. Billmonk also can keep track of who among the sharers have already paid and who still owes you money.

Just recently, Billmonk launched Obopay, a mobile payment system which lets you pay the things you owe using your mobile phone. It also lets you collect money from your friends if they owe you some.

To find out more check out Billmonk or Obopay now. Take charge. Get rid of the awkwardness of borrowing, sharing, splitting, loaning, lending and collecting your 'social money'.

Find it here