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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blackberry Flip: Better Than A Blackberry?

I am a fan of the Blackberry. In fact, I have a black and a red 8320 Blackberry. I simply love the ease and functionality that a Blackberry offers to its users.

Is there anything better than a Blackberry?

Recently Blackberry launched its newest addition—the Blackberry flip. Of course the sucker in me was ecstatic because before becoming a Blackberry fanatic, I also collected a few Motorola flip phones.

For some reason, the flip design is more appealing to me since it perfectly bridges the distance between your ear and your mouth. You might not agree with me because you probably utilize a Bluetooth headset that easily eliminates the need for you to hold the phone against your ear. For some of us though who still like to parade our phones with our ego, it is still a good thing to put our cell phones within the mandibular region.

Besides, the flip design also creates that a-ha snapping sound every time you close and open it. Needless to say, the flip design is simply appealing to some not-so-busy human beings on this planet who still want to waste their precious time, opening and closing their cellular phones.

Of course I have to have one, and I did. The Blackberry flip easily replaced my red Blackberry 8320 in no time. It met the requirements necessary for it to be a contender of my other Blackberry phones: a) it is MyFaves enabled b) it is a hotspot-at-home enabled phone and c) the ringtone is customizable according to my preference which currently is the abridged version of Sting's 'Shape of My Heart'.

The Blackberry flip is also easily mounted on a lanyard that you can wear on your neckline, eliminating the need for you to lug it inside your pocket wherever you are.

Overall, the Blackberry flip is an impressive new phone. After all, it took away some playing-around-time off of my other new cell phone—the G1.

My new get-up? A Blackberry flip phone and some ear buds while I happily listen to my favorite music stored in my phone's micro SD card.

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