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Friday, May 09, 2008

Luminotes: Your Personal Wiki Notebook Online

Did you wish you could take down notes quickly and edit them just as easily? Luminotes makes that possible.

What is Luminotes? Luminotes is an online wiki notebook that is available to you for free. 'K, the wiki thing? I know, I need to explain that too. You probably hear wiki all the time and you don't really know what it means. Let me explain it briefly.

Wiki is a backronym for 'What I Know Is'--a backronym in the sense that the phrase was suggested to stand for wiki instead of wiki being derived from it. The term wiki in Hawaiian, means 'fast'. But the word wiki as used in a vast number of online references implies web pages that are created using a wiki software. A wiki software is a software that allows pages to be created and edited using a common web browser. It is implemented by running a software engine that utilizes a file system to store content files and a relational database management system to store changes to the files.

So a wiki notebook is simply a notebook that you can create and edit endlessly. Luminotes is one wiki notebook that is available online for free. It lets you take down notes as quickly as ideas pop into your head while you are browsing the net, doing a research or working on a project. You can easily add notes, switch notes, link notes, hide notes, share notes, or upload notes with Luminotes.

With Luminotes wiki, the interface uses a clean and simple layout which is easy for a novice user to understand. After logging in, you can start writing notes and do whatever you want to do with them. Isn't that great?

Using Luminotes allows you the convenience of accessing your notes anytime, anywhere by just accessing the internet. And when you are working on an important project, you can easily consolidate your thoughts and ideas with your peers using Luminotes. What a great way of utilizing global connectivity using the internet for a more productive endeavor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, really. I join told all above. We can communicate on this theme.

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